I Informed anurag and aakash day before at night on saturday that we will conquer peth fort next day inspite of monsoon.
Peth fort is situated in karjat near peth village which lies at the base of the fort,actual speaking it's not a fort more like a lighthouse where you can tag enemies from which direction they are coming from!
Next day on August 31st 2014 i went to sleep around 1:30 am like regular routine but wokeup at 4am which was unusual only 2:30 hours of sleeping.When i woke up i called anurag and aakash to check if they woke up or not! They were in the process of waking up after that i went to take a bath and got ready till 5 am and headed towards anurag house along with my bag in veera desai even aakash was there at that time so we headed towards anurag house and got bottles,snacks,lunch packed up.
we headed towards azad nagar metro and got ourself 3 ghatkopar tickets.Guess what? we were alone in the metro when we entered
After reaching ghatkopar we got ourself 3 karjat return ticket which costed us 40 Rs per person ,after waiting for 20min there comes karjat train .
Once the train passed thane,the view was getting astonished full of vegetation,farm,mist peak,rivers.First time in my life i enjoyed train journey,by the time Train reached karjat station it was 8:45 am.Karjat ST bus stand is just 5 minute away from station so we rolled towards ST Stand and asked a man sitting at the depot counter! he told us bus to ambivli will arrive at 10 am that means 1 hour was going to be a waste of time so we killed our time near tea stall listening music and talking.
When ST Bus arrived we got the seat comfortably but the way bus driver drived its like dirt bike on the desert field.On our way we eat goodday biscuit
We halted at ambivli stop by 11:30 am after getting down we got call from our parents telling there was a heavy rain in Mumbai but we told them out here it was mild so no worries then we started our trekking,after couple minutes of walking we started our photo session
Further we kept on trekking,'start point was damn easy for me like walk in the park'.As we went more further we promised ourself not to snap more pics! All of a sudden i felt like someone was following us then i turned back and it turned out to be a dog,couple more steps there goes one of the eye pleasing spot where you can look in to the depth of greenery field blessed with mixture of light and dark green .
Snapping pics was worth looking after this nature blessed land,we were ascending carrying heavy bag one by one,it was such a bad luck that Bag chain was disattached and under that zip was our snacks and water that means once the chain is opened you got to finish most of the snacks neither it will be difficult to carry stuffs with opened zip.
After hours of trekking,there goes one of the most peaceful and heaven looking spot of our journey,really i have never seen something like this in my life.we could't stop Ourself from snaping pic's not even even giving damn what time it is.
We could see pinnacle from the spot as you can see in those above pics,that's were we headed to,' which was called Peth fort,it was far away so without wasting time we continued with our trekking.On our way we met some trekkers they said it would take more 90 minute to be on the top.
By now we were at the base of the fort which was called peth village.Real trekking was about to come.Village was blessed with rice farm.Further we went it was getting tricky we almost got stucked in the wet mud ploughed by cows turned out to be a wrong path so one of the villager got eye on us he told us to ''Head further from the side green field and gave tips to strickly follow pipe which is connected to fort''.
Our real trekking started.
Now the steps were getting more stepper and narrow matter a fact more slippery because of algae,on the way Anurag slipped twice so he was on the verge of getting disturbed.At one point pipe was nowhere to be seen and there were like 2 ways - once upwards right and another left plain so we told anurag to go look upward right,he was like this way it's slippery and sliding down after listening to anurag word we decided to go left.As we were taking step by step i could already feel something fishy about this route because only one slip was enough to take you in to the valley of death.Guess what? some villager shouted at us that we were following wrong route,'Upward right was the correct one'.Phew! if it was't about that villager today we might have ended right in to the dead end falling in to the valley,from now on 'me and Aakash' promised not to listen to anurag words.
We started following right route going upward now we could see pipe which made our trekking easy.Again anurag slipped and was getting blacked out so we took a break drinking water,maaza and eating goodday biscuit then i told them its couple steps away to motivate them.
As we ascended we saw the wall,i thought it is a fort but it turned out to be a cave,i thought the way will be from inside the cave so we went further it was darker with bats around,Well i was wrong there was no way to fort through caves so we walked out while walking out the caves i banged my head hard in to the caves Exit door,next day i could feel bruises while taking a bath.Just after getting out of the caves i saw steps heading towards the top of the pinnacle.
My heart was pumping while trying to make grip climbing steeper step because at one point there was no wall beside us so one could easily see in to the depth with clouds around.It would be nightmares for person with height phobia.At that point anurag got stucked almost cried and begging me,aakash to come back.somehow we helped him to climb by holding his hand when we reached at the top i could literally see cloud around us with mild rain,never seen those cloud so closely in my life and more then that we were alone out here which was kinda scary.
Me and aakash got busy in photo session while anurag was taking nap in small stick shelter .I still could't believe that i was on top of the pinnacle.I could see 5 waterfall from top and 4 windmill on the opposite mountain which i think supplied electricity to the village.
We were hungry now,so we decided to eat pizza and pav bhaji which anurag got with him however it was cold by now! still it was enough to kill our hunger.It was 4 pm and last bus to karjat station arrive at 6 pm so without wasting no time we decided to descend.
On our way we saw group of trekkers ascending,One girl almost cried at the same point where anurag was stucked while ascending and another well build guy was shivering trying to make grip.we gave them room to go up
Time was clocking and we were slowly moving downwards,anurag crawled all the way till peth village came - from there it was walking.It was hard to see even couple meters away because of the fog all around us.I bet One would be not able to figure out whether it was 6 am or 6 pm if it was't about clock! Environment reminded me of 'shrine horror movie'.
We reached ambivli Village till 6:30 Pm,after enquiring with one of the local shop man we got to know that ST Bus left couple minutes ago which was last one from here,we were little shocked,'after waiting for couples minutes one of the Tum Tum arrived so we asked him about the fare till karjat station he told ''Total 100Rs'' which was kind of fishy considering Cost for 3 person in TumTum should be around 500rs as it is 30Km from here and high probability of no return passenger from karjat station,while talking to him we all got the bad smell of a Liqour from his mouth,so without a second guess we said 'No' to him,In a 10 minute or so another TumTum arrived he told ''he will leave us at one of the stop which is like 15 km from here,from there you will get ST bus'' so we agreed as the fare was 50 Rs per person and he looks trustable still i got my Goggle map on as he was driving the distance was getting closer to karjat station so i got a sigh of a relief.
He left us at the stop and told ''ST Bus will arrive in a 5 Minute or so''.There were some shops hereby,however 20 minutes got over still no bus,on top of that mild rain was drizzling and we were hungry so i removed 3 apples from my bag and we sat near one of the local baniya shop eating and patiently waiting for the bus.Even Lady and men in that Local baniya shop told ''Bus should have been arrived by now'' that got us more tensed,everytime there was a horn and headlight we used to run and check whether it was a ST bus or nah,unfortunately everytime it was a tempo or a car.That's why its hard to trust ST bus timing.I called my family and told i might get stuck in karjat,Anurag family was worried and calling him every 5 minute.
Guess what? Now all the shops were closed,it was dark except that baniya shop where we were seating,it was half closed because they were hoping we might get some transport mode to karjat station,now we all three were flagging hands on the road,throwing lift gesture but all the vehicles passed away,Anurag was scared,losing his mind and now requesting all the tempo nearby to give a lift but everybody clearly said ''No''.Now we told anurag alone to flag hand and throw lift gesture as no one gonna stop if we all keep doing it as we are three,the person who might give a lift may find it risky.Finally after 15 minute one of the truck stopped looking at anurag lift gesture,he agreed after anurag told him about lift till karjat station as he was going from that direction only,by that time we also rushed from behind and sat in front of the seat along with the driver.
Truck driver started his truck and started talking about how he has defeated many criminals i meet while i drive during night time,he started asking us about ''where y'll from?'' we told mumbai and told driver our friends are waiting at karjat station just in case to create fear if something evil is going on driver mind.
He told Anurag ''you are not a real marathi as your talking is not that स्पस्ट(Clear)'',He started asking anurag ''which village you from? Do you support Raj thackeray?'' Anurag too was busy arguing with him,we gave him eye gesture to not to.
It was raining and it was dark we weren't able to see pefectly the further path.We were thinking whether he is a theft or got a gang waiting at some spot to loot us! that's why i and anurag were not picking up the call when it was ringing so that he don't see our Samsung Note 2 and Note 3 mobile.Somehow he got it and told us ''Mobile is ringing'' we told him we will pick up after we get down.This was not the same path that we came from karjat station ST bus early morning.We asked him about the path,he told ''he is taking us from the east'',our adrenaline was high.Finally after couple minutes we saw the train from the truck,he dropped us and showed the way.We were thankful and relief.
My assumption to this situation is 'He thought we are looters as we were 3 in number,we did some odd things and we thought he is a looter the way he was trying to put fear in us''.
In couple minute we got the empty train from karjat station,we halted at ghatkopar station around 11:30 pm and got the azad nagar ticket from metro,i was home till 12:05 am.
Check out video of my journey to peth fort below -
Peth fort is situated in karjat near peth village which lies at the base of the fort,actual speaking it's not a fort more like a lighthouse where you can tag enemies from which direction they are coming from!
Next day on August 31st 2014 i went to sleep around 1:30 am like regular routine but wokeup at 4am which was unusual only 2:30 hours of sleeping.When i woke up i called anurag and aakash to check if they woke up or not! They were in the process of waking up after that i went to take a bath and got ready till 5 am and headed towards anurag house along with my bag in veera desai even aakash was there at that time so we headed towards anurag house and got bottles,snacks,lunch packed up.
we headed towards azad nagar metro and got ourself 3 ghatkopar tickets.Guess what? we were alone in the metro when we entered
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Empty Metro |
After reaching ghatkopar we got ourself 3 karjat return ticket which costed us 40 Rs per person ,after waiting for 20min there comes karjat train .
Once the train passed thane,the view was getting astonished full of vegetation,farm,mist peak,rivers.First time in my life i enjoyed train journey,by the time Train reached karjat station it was 8:45 am.Karjat ST bus stand is just 5 minute away from station so we rolled towards ST Stand and asked a man sitting at the depot counter! he told us bus to ambivli will arrive at 10 am that means 1 hour was going to be a waste of time so we killed our time near tea stall listening music and talking.
When ST Bus arrived we got the seat comfortably but the way bus driver drived its like dirt bike on the desert field.On our way we eat goodday biscuit
We halted at ambivli stop by 11:30 am after getting down we got call from our parents telling there was a heavy rain in Mumbai but we told them out here it was mild so no worries then we started our trekking,after couple minutes of walking we started our photo session
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Ambivli Village |
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Its About that time |
Further we kept on trekking,'start point was damn easy for me like walk in the park'.As we went more further we promised ourself not to snap more pics! All of a sudden i felt like someone was following us then i turned back and it turned out to be a dog,couple more steps there goes one of the eye pleasing spot where you can look in to the depth of greenery field blessed with mixture of light and dark green .
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Following Us |
Snapping pics was worth looking after this nature blessed land,we were ascending carrying heavy bag one by one,it was such a bad luck that Bag chain was disattached and under that zip was our snacks and water that means once the chain is opened you got to finish most of the snacks neither it will be difficult to carry stuffs with opened zip.
After hours of trekking,there goes one of the most peaceful and heaven looking spot of our journey,really i have never seen something like this in my life.we could't stop Ourself from snaping pic's not even even giving damn what time it is.
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Heaven looking spot |
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Anurag,Me and Aakash |
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Crab |
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Pinnacle |
By now we were at the base of the fort which was called peth village.Real trekking was about to come.Village was blessed with rice farm.Further we went it was getting tricky we almost got stucked in the wet mud ploughed by cows turned out to be a wrong path so one of the villager got eye on us he told us to ''Head further from the side green field and gave tips to strickly follow pipe which is connected to fort''.
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Peth Village |
Our real trekking started.
Now the steps were getting more stepper and narrow matter a fact more slippery because of algae,on the way Anurag slipped twice so he was on the verge of getting disturbed.At one point pipe was nowhere to be seen and there were like 2 ways - once upwards right and another left plain so we told anurag to go look upward right,he was like this way it's slippery and sliding down after listening to anurag word we decided to go left.As we were taking step by step i could already feel something fishy about this route because only one slip was enough to take you in to the valley of death.Guess what? some villager shouted at us that we were following wrong route,'Upward right was the correct one'.Phew! if it was't about that villager today we might have ended right in to the dead end falling in to the valley,from now on 'me and Aakash' promised not to listen to anurag words.
We started following right route going upward now we could see pipe which made our trekking easy.Again anurag slipped and was getting blacked out so we took a break drinking water,maaza and eating goodday biscuit then i told them its couple steps away to motivate them.
As we ascended we saw the wall,i thought it is a fort but it turned out to be a cave,i thought the way will be from inside the cave so we went further it was darker with bats around,Well i was wrong there was no way to fort through caves so we walked out while walking out the caves i banged my head hard in to the caves Exit door,next day i could feel bruises while taking a bath.Just after getting out of the caves i saw steps heading towards the top of the pinnacle.
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Cave |
My heart was pumping while trying to make grip climbing steeper step because at one point there was no wall beside us so one could easily see in to the depth with clouds around.It would be nightmares for person with height phobia.At that point anurag got stucked almost cried and begging me,aakash to come back.somehow we helped him to climb by holding his hand when we reached at the top i could literally see cloud around us with mild rain,never seen those cloud so closely in my life and more then that we were alone out here which was kinda scary.
Me and aakash got busy in photo session while anurag was taking nap in small stick shelter .I still could't believe that i was on top of the pinnacle.I could see 5 waterfall from top and 4 windmill on the opposite mountain which i think supplied electricity to the village.
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View from top of peth fort |
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Anurag taking nap. |
We were hungry now,so we decided to eat pizza and pav bhaji which anurag got with him however it was cold by now! still it was enough to kill our hunger.It was 4 pm and last bus to karjat station arrive at 6 pm so without wasting no time we decided to descend.
On our way we saw group of trekkers ascending,One girl almost cried at the same point where anurag was stucked while ascending and another well build guy was shivering trying to make grip.we gave them room to go up
Time was clocking and we were slowly moving downwards,anurag crawled all the way till peth village came - from there it was walking.It was hard to see even couple meters away because of the fog all around us.I bet One would be not able to figure out whether it was 6 am or 6 pm if it was't about clock! Environment reminded me of 'shrine horror movie'.
We reached ambivli Village till 6:30 Pm,after enquiring with one of the local shop man we got to know that ST Bus left couple minutes ago which was last one from here,we were little shocked,'after waiting for couples minutes one of the Tum Tum arrived so we asked him about the fare till karjat station he told ''Total 100Rs'' which was kind of fishy considering Cost for 3 person in TumTum should be around 500rs as it is 30Km from here and high probability of no return passenger from karjat station,while talking to him we all got the bad smell of a Liqour from his mouth,so without a second guess we said 'No' to him,In a 10 minute or so another TumTum arrived he told ''he will leave us at one of the stop which is like 15 km from here,from there you will get ST bus'' so we agreed as the fare was 50 Rs per person and he looks trustable still i got my Goggle map on as he was driving the distance was getting closer to karjat station so i got a sigh of a relief.
He left us at the stop and told ''ST Bus will arrive in a 5 Minute or so''.There were some shops hereby,however 20 minutes got over still no bus,on top of that mild rain was drizzling and we were hungry so i removed 3 apples from my bag and we sat near one of the local baniya shop eating and patiently waiting for the bus.Even Lady and men in that Local baniya shop told ''Bus should have been arrived by now'' that got us more tensed,everytime there was a horn and headlight we used to run and check whether it was a ST bus or nah,unfortunately everytime it was a tempo or a car.That's why its hard to trust ST bus timing.I called my family and told i might get stuck in karjat,Anurag family was worried and calling him every 5 minute.
Guess what? Now all the shops were closed,it was dark except that baniya shop where we were seating,it was half closed because they were hoping we might get some transport mode to karjat station,now we all three were flagging hands on the road,throwing lift gesture but all the vehicles passed away,Anurag was scared,losing his mind and now requesting all the tempo nearby to give a lift but everybody clearly said ''No''.Now we told anurag alone to flag hand and throw lift gesture as no one gonna stop if we all keep doing it as we are three,the person who might give a lift may find it risky.Finally after 15 minute one of the truck stopped looking at anurag lift gesture,he agreed after anurag told him about lift till karjat station as he was going from that direction only,by that time we also rushed from behind and sat in front of the seat along with the driver.
Truck driver started his truck and started talking about how he has defeated many criminals i meet while i drive during night time,he started asking us about ''where y'll from?'' we told mumbai and told driver our friends are waiting at karjat station just in case to create fear if something evil is going on driver mind.
He told Anurag ''you are not a real marathi as your talking is not that स्पस्ट(Clear)'',He started asking anurag ''which village you from? Do you support Raj thackeray?'' Anurag too was busy arguing with him,we gave him eye gesture to not to.
It was raining and it was dark we weren't able to see pefectly the further path.We were thinking whether he is a theft or got a gang waiting at some spot to loot us! that's why i and anurag were not picking up the call when it was ringing so that he don't see our Samsung Note 2 and Note 3 mobile.Somehow he got it and told us ''Mobile is ringing'' we told him we will pick up after we get down.This was not the same path that we came from karjat station ST bus early morning.We asked him about the path,he told ''he is taking us from the east'',our adrenaline was high.Finally after couple minutes we saw the train from the truck,he dropped us and showed the way.We were thankful and relief.
My assumption to this situation is 'He thought we are looters as we were 3 in number,we did some odd things and we thought he is a looter the way he was trying to put fear in us''.
In couple minute we got the empty train from karjat station,we halted at ghatkopar station around 11:30 pm and got the azad nagar ticket from metro,i was home till 12:05 am.
Check out video of my journey to peth fort below -
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